may you …(a prayer for my daughter)

A prayer for my daughter.

May you always be full of joy.

May you look in the mirror and always love those dimples, that cute mole above your eyebrow and your sweet button nose.


May you never feel that you need to be someone or something different in order to be loved.

May you always laugh without measure.

May you always be as bouncy and springy and energetic as you are right now.

May you always try to do what you know is right even though it may be costly. And when you don’t, may you know His grace.

May you always be happy with who you are, precious and joyful girl.

May you know the love of both your earthly and heavenly father.


May you always know my love.

May you know the fullness of His grace, and the freedom of His forgiveness.

May you know His mercies are new every morning.


May you always run the race, and may you throw off all that hinders.

May you always sing worship songs at the top of your voice.

May you bear fruit for His kingdom.

May you be one who receives encouragement and seeks to encourage.

May you champion others, knowing that you’re a champion.

May you know the perfect peace of the Prince of Peace.

May you know that, because of Jesus, you can go right up to His throne of grace, just as you are.

May you run after the passions God’s placed in your heart. And may you dismiss any voices that tell you that you “can’t do it” or “you’ll never do it”.

May you be one who forgives as He forgives you.  And when you don’t, may you know His grace.

May you love God’s word. May it be a lamp for your feet and a light for your path.

May you be full of wisdom.

May you always climb trees.

May you always be you, fearfully and wonderfully made, daughter of the King of Kings

Do you have a daughter? What’s your prayer for her?

10 thoughts on “may you …(a prayer for my daughter)

  1. Beautiful Anna. I echo yours in so many way for my precious E.
    I’d probably add: may you rise up over all the pressures of teenagehood calling you to emulate those around you to walk in your unique calling to make history and challenge convention and expectation.


  2. That pretty much covers it! I might add, “May you always know that beauty is an inside thing more than an outside thing, both in you and in others.”

    Love your blog – we know Rich from the Scottish Learning Community.


    • Hi Jenny, thanks. It’s always good when I can join the dots with who Rich has met, and where! I wholeheartedly agree with your prayer – really love that, and so important for our daughters (and us) to know and remember.


  3. Thank you dear Anna it is one the most beautiful prayer I’ve heard , I’M Going to share it and also translate it in Farsi if you are
    happy Love .


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